Showmakers is a musical theatre program for children all about making a SHOW! And not just any old show... an ORIGINAL SHOW!!!
Showmakers loves everything there is to love about live theatre... the lights, the costumes, the energy coming from the stage. But mostly, we love the way theatre can bring people together. Creating a show requires imagination, dedication, and loads of team work. The process builds creative courage and confidence that can last a lifetime.
Showmakers is unique because it allows every child to shine their own unique light. Our process of creation unifies an ensemble cast, catering to each child’s strength. Love to sing? We’ll make you a solo part! Feel safer as part of a group? No problem, the show needs a strong chorus too! Showmakers is all about inclusivity. We allow each student to have an equal opportunity to explore their talents, grow in confidence and feel part of the team in a safe, supportive environment.
So, are you ready? Are you really? Then quick, quick, take your places. The lights dim, the audience goes hush, the curtain opens slowly... and Showmakers is about to begin!
This is how it works:
We offer three main programs for three different age groups - (see schedule for other offerings as we have recently added more)
• Twinklelights for ages 4 - 6
• Spotlights for ages 7 - 11
• Limelights ages 12 - 16
And we run every year for 3 Terms (Students register for one term at a time) -
• Fall Term (September - December)
• Winter Term (January - March)
• Spring Term (March - June)
All programs are run by industry professionals with international experience, Dreda Blow and Bruno Merz.
During the Fall term, we learn about acting through fun drama games and creative play, working on characterisation, physicality and vocal skills. We explore different styles of dance, practicing our coordination, rhythm and self expression. We even learn how to choreograph our own moves! We practice our singing skills by learning lots of great songs, exploring our vocal range and quality.
During the Winter and Spring term we also start devising our original show. We work collaboratively to devise original stories, improvise scenes and slowly develop a script. Bruno writes new songs to sing and with Dreda’s guidance, we choreograph dance numbers too. We rehearse like we’re polishing a diamond, sourcing/making props/costumes and working together to make a show of which we’re extremely proud.
In June, it's showtime! We perform our genius creations to friends and family... *cue roaring applause!!!
Hey wait, there's more. Showmakers offers summer camps too!
Proudly based in Peterborough / Nogojiwanong, we will also connect with our community through one-off workshops, family events and pop-up performances. Please sign up for our newsletter on the 'Contact Us' page so you don't miss anything.
We are located in the beautiful:
Showmakers Studio at Studio 505
505 Sherbrooke St, Peterborough, ON K9J 2P2